Donnas Arch via Gaul

A majestic pathway bears witness to ancient passages

The Roman road of Gaul, was built to connect Rome to the Rhone Valley.
In the Donnas section it possesses one of its most characteristic and spectacular points: the Arch Via Gaul.
It is carved into the living rock for a length of 221 meters.


At this place, in ancient times, the rocky promontory plunged directly into the waters of the Dora River.
The Romans met an extraordinary challenge of nature by carving a living rock, on which they were able to create perfectly vertical walls and carve out the roadbed.


Exciting and unusual, here the Via delle Gallie reveals the height of its splendor: the Via Gallia Arch.
Offering the spectacle of a 4-meter-wide, 4-meter-high and nearly 3-meter-thick archway that eloquently demonstrates the amount of rock removed.
This shows all the sophistication of a road technique that has never been equaled until modern viaducts and tunnels.

Arch via Gaul The History

During the Middle Ages, this road served as the gateway to the village, which was closed at night.
The other defenses were natural: the mountain on one side and the river on the other.


This road has played a key role and has been used extensively over the centuries, as evidenced by the deep marks left by the passage of wagons and the wear and tear on the walking surface.
In some places, you can see repairs and maintenance work done over time.


Vine and Wine Museum

piazza XXV Aprile, 9, 11020 Donnas AO

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Arch via Gaul

Via Roma, 19, 11020 Donnas AO, Italia

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Fontainemore, AO, Italia

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Hône, AO, Italia

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Pont-Saint-Martin, AO, Italia

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