Gressoney-Saint-Jean Bronne Valley of Princes
A valley with an ancient history
At the junction near Savoy Castle, take the road to the right and continue past the houses until you reach the path that climbs into the forest.
Climbing steeply and curving through some hairpin bends, the trail will take you to a new fork.
Here, take the right-hand branch, route no.
11b, and leave the one on the left, no.
11, which leads to Col Valdobbia.
The trail, still uphill, will follow the slope until it reaches another fork.
Continuing this time to the left, you will soon arrive at the Pozie Alp.
Continuing then along a ridge, you will reach the alpine pastures of Skarpie di Sotto and, a little further up, you will reach Skearpie di Sopra, located in a small basin.
After passing a slight ascent, you will find yourself in the beautiful clearing of the Princes’ Valley, where the signs cease.

queen daisy ring
Anello Regina Margherita, Via Monte Rosa, Gressoney-Saint-Jean, AO, Italia