
Aosta Megalithic Area of Saint-Martin-de-Corléans

The Saint-Martin-de-Corléans Megalithic Area is a multi-layered archaeological site and is located in Aosta, in the district of Saint-Martin-de-Corléans.
The area shows traces of a historical development that began in 4,200 B.C. and has continued uninterruptedly to the present day.
There are numerous monumental megalithic testimonies that you will find within this surreal space that encompasses 6,000 years of history.
About the Saint-Martin-de-Corléans Megalithic Area In the Saint-Martin-de-Corléans Area, the visitor is taken on a long journey back in time, discovering the places of worship of the city of Aosta.
The Megalithic Area is about one hectare wide and bears witness to a very early human intervention in the area dating back some 6,000 years.
In the Neolithic period, this area of Aosta represented an important cult area, with ritual wells and sacred ploughing.
The alignments of wooden poles and anthropomorphic stelae are prehistoric evidences that make this place an archaeological deposit of international importance.  

Church of St. Lawrence

Chiesa Paleocristiana di San Lorenzo, Via Sant'Orso, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Collegiate Church of St. Bear

Chiesa Collegiata dei Santi Pietro e Orso, Via Sant'Orso, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Croix de Ville Street

Via Croix de Ville, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Megalithic Area of Saint-Martin-de-Corléans

Area megalitica di Saint-Martin-de-Corléans, Corso Saint Martin de Corleans, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Émile Chanoux Square

Piazza Emile Chanoux, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Aosta Cathedral

Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta e San Giovanni Battista, Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Cryptoportic Forensic

Criptoportico Forense, Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Roman theater of Aosta

Teatro Romano Di Aosta, Via Porta Pretoria, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Roman Forum of Aosta

Foro Romano, P. Caveri, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Praetoria Gate

Porta Prætoria, Piazza Porta Pretoria, Aosta, AO, Italia

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The Arch of Augustus

Arco di Augusto, Piazza Arco D'Augusto, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Share B.P.

Riserva naturale Tzatelet, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Aosta Amphitheater

Via Porta Pretoria, 1, 11100 Aosta, Aosta AO, Italia

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Regional Archaeological Museum

Museo Archeologico Regionale, Piazza Pierre-Leonard Roncas, Aosta, AO, Italia

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