neil gaby waterfall

neil waterfall photo by matilde

Gaby Niel Falls

A wonder of Nature , a must visit for hiking enthusiasts

The route to the waterfall starts from the parking lot in front of the Gaby town hall, along Gressoney Valley Regional Road 44.
Follow the road up the side of the Varail di Niel stream and, behind the town hall, take the first road on the right.
Proceeding along this path, you pass through the picturesque houses of the village and continue through pastures and deciduous forests until you reach the village of Pianatz.   At Pianatz, you can leave your car if you prefer to avoid the next paved section.
From here, you take trail 7b located on the left and follow it to Niel Falls.
The route is represented by a narrow path that climbs through the trees of the forest, as it can have some slippery sections.   The itinerary allows you to discover not only the charming village of Gaby and its basin, but also to enjoy the wonder of the Niel waterfall.
The latter is one of the most striking places in the area, where the water plunges majestically into an unspoiled natural environment.
The beauty of the landscape and the tranquility of the place make this excursion a memorable experience.

Niel Falls

Sentiero Cascate di Niel, Località Masounozi, Gaby, AO, Italia

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