Rey – Châtelair o il percorso della fata

Ollomont Rey – Châtelair or the path of the fairy

A Magical Itinerary, among nature on a path that carries with it the legend of a fairy

Discovering Ollomont: An Adventurous Itinerary Between Nature and Legends In the heart of the alpine valleys, the municipality of Ollomont offers a hiking trail that winds through breathtaking scenery, local history and a dash of adventure.
Starting from the hamlet of Rey, where cars can be left in a convenient parking lot, adventurers cross a bridge and head toward the Locanda delle miniere, following the Alta Via 1 signs, marked by a yellow triangular marker.
The route soon becomes adventurous, with hairpin bends that challenge the mountain until it crosses the ru du Mont dirt road.
Here, it is essential to pay attention and follow the flat road to the left, ignoring other trail markings that promise more challenging routes.
Among the woods, the walk becomes an adventure, with sections of the trail carved into the rock, equipped with guards and metal ropes for added safety.
The crossing over a small stream, without a bridge, requires some dexterity to find the best spot to “jump.”
The highlight of the hike is the crossing of a dark tunnel, where the echo of the water of the ru du Mont acts as a companion.
With no lighting, it is essential to have a flashlight with you.
After 700 meters of darkness, the exit brings back the light, leading to spectacular views of Becca di Nona, Mount Emilius and the picturesque Chatelair church.