Foro Romano Aosta

Aosta Roman Forum of Aosta

Roman Forum of Aosta

The Roman Forum, in Aosta, was the center of political, religious, and commercial life of the colony.

The Forum was a monumental complex that occupied a large area between the cardo and decumanus, the two main streets of the city.
It consisted of two plazas (stalls) at different levels, connected by a flight of steps.

– The upper square housed two temples dedicated to Augustus and Rome, surrounded by a cryptoporticus, an underground vaulted gallery.

– The lower square, on the other hand, was the site of public activities, where stores, taverns and administrative offices were located.

Curiosities about the Roman Forum

Today the Forum has partly disappeared above ground, but some relics of its presence can still be visited.

The cryptoporticus is one of the most striking and best-preserved monuments: it is a corridor 73 meters long and 4 meters wide, which ran along the north side of the forum and served as a covered passageway and foundation for the temples.

Inside the cryptoporticus, traces of the pictorial and sculptural decorations that adorned the walls and vaults can be seen.

Instead, the remains of the temples and the plaza are visible above ground, thanks to recent archaeological excavations that have unearthed the foundations of the structures.
The foundations of the temples, the columns that supported them and the walkways that provided access to the upper plaza can be seen.

I hope you enjoyed this article and were intrigued to discover the Roman Forum of Aosta, a unique testimony to the Roman past of the Aosta Valley.

Roman Forum of Aosta The History

The Roman forum was the center of the colony's political, religious and commercial life.

The Roman Forum of Aosta and its curiosities...

A neuralgic crossroads: the Roman Forum of Aosta represented the nerve center of city life.
Located at the intersection of the cardo and decumanus, the two main streets, it was a teeming place of activity, where trade, political affairs and religious rituals took place.

Two squares, two souls: the monumental complex consisted of two separate squares: the upper and lower squares.
The former, sacred and solemn, housed temples dedicated to Augustus and the goddess Rome, surrounded by a cryptoporticus, a striking underground tunnel.
The lower square, on the other hand, was the beating heart of daily life, where stores, taverns and administrative offices were located.

A fascinating cryptoporticus: Among the remains of the Forum, the cryptoporticus represents a real gem.
This corridor 73 meters long and 4 meters wide, in addition to serving as a covered passageway, offered structural support to the temples above.
Walking inside, one can still see traces of frescoes and sculptures that decorated the walls and vaults, offering a fascinating glimpse into the daily life of the time.

A journey through time: to visit the Roman Forum of Aosta is to embark on a journey through time, discovering a living, breathing Roman city.
The archaeological remains, brought to light by recent excavations, allow one to imagine the bustling atmosphere and monumental architecture of this central place in the life of Augusta Praetoria.

A precious heritage: the Roman Forum is an important testimony to the Roman past of the Aosta Valley.
A heritage to be enhanced and preserved, to transmit to future generations the historical and cultural richness of this fascinating region.

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Share B.P.

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