Quart ru prévot

Between History and Nature

The itinerary leading to Quart Castle is an enchanting route that follows the rû Prévot, an ancient irrigation canal dating back to the late Middle Ages.
These canals, still in use today, are true masterpieces of hydraulic engineering, evidence of the medieval engineering that supported local agriculture and animal husbandry.
Quart Castle Originally built in the 12th century as a defensive fortress, Quart Castle underwent significant transformations over the centuries, becoming an imposing residence between the 13th and 14th centuries.
This castle is not only a historical monument but also a vantage point from which to admire the valley floor and surrounding mountains.
The Route Starting from Quart, the path climbs gently to the Monastery of the Discalced Carmelites, inaugurated on July 16, 1989 by Pope John Paul II.
Here, the nuns lead a cloistered life, devoting themselves to prayer and work in an environment of peace and spirituality.
Continuing along path no.
103, also marked as part of the Pilgrim’s Way, the path remains flat and easy to walk, making it accessible to all visitors.
In a short time you reach the castle, where information panels enrich the visit with historical anecdotes and details about the naturalistic features of the area.
Continue the Trail For lovers of long walks, trail no.
103 offers the possibility of continuing to Nus, extending the hike by about two hours.
This section of the trail is part of the famous Via Francigena, an itinerary rich in history and culture that attracts pilgrims and travelers from all over the world.
Why Visit Visiting Quart Castle offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in an environment rich in medieval history, natural wonders and spirituality.
It is an ideal excursion for those seeking to combine culture, history and nature in a single day, all within walking distance of civilization but immersed in a past that lives on through ancient stones and historic paths.

ru prévot

Quart, AO, Italia

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