Emarèse Tête de Comagne

A forest trail among natural wonders

This hike starts from Erésaz, a hamlet in the municipality of Émarèse.
Si inizia seguendo l’itinerario n.
1 vicino alla chiesa, salendo fino a incrociare la strada regionale.
Proseguendo sulla mulattiera e attraversando la strada asfaltata due volte, si raggiunge la località Chassan.
Da qui, il percorso segue la rete viaria interna del villaggio per poi tornare sulla mulattiera che porta alla parte alta dell’abitato.
La salita diventa ripida costeggiando un canale, fino ad arrivare all’abitato di Sommarèse.


From the regional road, continue to the right for about 100 meters until you turn left at the municipal parking lot onto a small road marked number 5.

You will then come to a chapel, and from there take the mule track to the right, which soon crosses the road coming from Col de Joux and joins a dirt road near a hut.

Continuing on the same dirt road, you pass an alpine pasture and, after leaving the direct road to an irrigation pond, continue straight on the path that enters the forest.

This trail crosses another dirt road, meets trail no.
1B coming from the Col du Joux and finally reaches the ridge, from which one can ascend to the summit of the Tête de Comagne.

The Museum of the Centre d’études Abbé Trèves

Centre d'études Abbé Trèves Fraz. Eresaz, 51

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Erèsaz – Borna da Ghisa

Frazione Eresaz, 51, 11020 Eresaz AO, Italia

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The Chapel of San Rocco

Frazione Eresaz, 11020 Eresaz, Emarèse AO, Italia

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Champdepraz, AO, Italia

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Challand Saint-Victor

Challand-Saint-Victor, AO, Italia

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Challand-Saint-Anselme, AO, Italia

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