Passeggiata per le vie di Aosta

Aosta Walk through the streets of Aosta

Be guided by the Beauties

Walk through the Streets of Aosta An essential stop for tourists visiting the Aosta Valley is definitely the capital city.
Today we show you an itinerary in the historic center of Aosta for a wonderful walk to discover its most special attractions.
Aosta is the only city in the regional territory and contains in its historic center a great number of traces left by the Romans, starting with the rich monumental and archaeological heritage.
Historic squares, imposing churches, ancient gateways and many other monuments: this and much more in the small historic center of Aosta!
The itinerary to follow to discover Aosta Start your tour in the historic center of Aosta starting from the symbol of the city, theArch of Augustus, which stands in the square of the same name.
This monumental arch is located at the east end of one of the main streets of downtown Aosta: Via Sant’Anselmo.
Take this pedestrian street and continue for about 350 meters, then turn right.
A narrow side lane will take you to the Collegiate Church of Saints Peter and Bear, with its 1100s cloister that can be visited.
Right next door stands the Church of San Lorenzo, an early Christian religious building that also allows you to visit the archaeological excavations underground to admire the early foundations of the church.
After this stop, return to Via Sant’Anselmo and proceed west.
A few steps and you will reach in front of the Porta Praetoria.
This ancient gate has three round-arched entrances, under which you can pass to enter the heart of Aosta’s historic center.
On the right, you will come across the majestic Roman Theater, considered another symbol of the city.
After a visit to the theater, continue on Via Porta Praetoria and after 200 meters you will find yourself in Aosta’s main square: Piazza Emile Chanoux.
From here a long street winds north, Rue Xavier de Maistre, where you will find the sculpture of Saint Anselm of Aosta.
Then take Via Anfiteatro to the right and reach the Amphitheater of Aosta, a little-known structure of which we can now see only remains, incorporated into the Convent of St. Catherine.
Turn back slightly and take Via S. Giocondo, which will lead you to Piazza Roncas, where the Regional Archaeological Museum of Aosta (MAR) overlooks.
Via Forum will take you to Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII, also known as Piazza della Cattedrale, where you can visit the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and San Giovanni Battista.
Also opening onto this square is the access to the Forensic Cryptoporticus, which preserves a magnificent portico that in Roman times led to the Forum, where temples also existed in ancient times.
Cross the square to the south and walk down the narrow Via de Lostan, which leads into Piazza Severino Caveri.
Here you can see an archaeological excavation that enhances a section of the ancient Roman Forum, creating a small open-air museum.
At the southern end of the square, Via Quintane takes you to Aosta’s main street, Via Jean Baptiste de Tillier. Continue in the opposite direction from Chanoux Square and reach the intersection with the pretty Croix de Ville Street, a short alley full of places and stores where you can buy a souvenir, eat something typical or have a quick snack.
Then, walk down Edouard Aubert Street until you reach Republic Square, where the obelisk with the sculpture of the She-wolf of Rome will not go unnoticed.
Piazza della Lupa and theArch of Augustus mark the ends of the main street that runs through the historic center of Aosta.
By following this itinerary through the historic center of Aosta, you will have visited all that the heart of the city has to offer.
To find out more To find out what else to see in the immediate surroundings of the historic center, read also: Megalithic area of Saint-Martin-de-Corléans The Towers of Aosta (Leper Tower, Balivi Tower, Tour Fromage)

Church of St. Lawrence

Chiesa Paleocristiana di San Lorenzo, Via Sant'Orso, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Collegiate Church of St. Bear

Chiesa Collegiata dei Santi Pietro e Orso, Via Sant'Orso, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Croix de Ville Street

Via Croix de Ville, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Megalithic Area of Saint-Martin-de-Corléans

Area megalitica di Saint-Martin-de-Corléans, Corso Saint Martin de Corleans, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Émile Chanoux Square

Piazza Emile Chanoux, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Aosta Cathedral

Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta e San Giovanni Battista, Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Cryptoportic Forensic

Criptoportico Forense, Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Roman theater of Aosta

Teatro Romano Di Aosta, Via Porta Pretoria, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Roman Forum of Aosta

Foro Romano, P. Caveri, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Praetoria Gate

Porta Prætoria, Piazza Porta Pretoria, Aosta, AO, Italia

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The Arch of Augustus

Arco di Augusto, Piazza Arco D'Augusto, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Share B.P.

Riserva naturale Tzatelet, Aosta, AO, Italia

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Aosta Amphitheater

Via Porta Pretoria, 1, 11100 Aosta, Aosta AO, Italia

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Regional Archaeological Museum

Museo Archeologico Regionale, Piazza Pierre-Leonard Roncas, Aosta, AO, Italia

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